Home Religious & Spiritual Traditions Abandoning pressure cooker thinking – CSMonitor.com

Abandoning pressure cooker thinking – CSMonitor.com

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I woke in the night with an acute sense of irritation because of a home bathroom project that was stalled. And what was even more discouraging, I now had a cold.

Feeling no better by the next morning, I turned to God in prayer for inspiration to calm the irritation. I knew that would be key to solving the stalemate. I have learned this approach to problem-solving through the practice of Christian Science, and it’s available to each of us.

Christian Science teaches that God is Love, and Love is ever present – absolutely everywhere to help in whatever way is needed, whether there’s a physical ailment, emotional upset, or any other issue. Divine Love has created each of us capable of listening for and hearing God’s direction and finding healing, under every circumstance. So I got very quiet and listened. What gently came was this:

Lord, my times are in Thy hand:
All my sanguine hopes have planned,
To Thy wisdom I resign,
And would mold my will to Thine.
(Josiah Conder, alt., “Christian Science Hymnal,” No. 46)

I knew “sanguine” meant optimistic, and I asked myself whether I really wanted to just hand my long-cherished plans over to God. I saw I was slipping into pressure cooker thinking – I was concerned about “my time,” while not taking into account the needs of the contractors.

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